Girls, let's make a conscious effort to keep this blog alive. I recently visited and each posting made me smile. I LOVE keeping in touch with you and learning what you are all up to. I know we've come a long way since we've graduated, and I am so very proud of all of us. Chez Panisse, Zuni, Kara's Cupcakes, Amy's Breads - we've made it girls! How many people in our class can say they had such a solid group of friends and peers??? I was so fortunate to stage with Patricia and Megan before I left for Chicago. I know Hot Chocolate didn't work out, but I'm looking for my next challenge and adventure. Some pictures from 2008...

Syl, Megan, & Haley outside Bocadillos for tapas, then...

Rubicon for dessert (Honey Cake w/ Blue Cheese (right???)
Farallon's Famous Summer Berry Pudding

Michael Mina's Dessert Trio & Chocolate Cake

Haley & I enjoying Zuni's famous Chicken for Two

Slow Food, SF 2008

Persimmon Cake on a pillow of baking spices @ Alinea, Chicago